Saturday, April 14, 2012


In my entire life I have never seen a tomato plant grow 6 feet tall. Which is likely why I saw it fitting to start 45 of them. Suddenly everyone I know is guffawing at me "where will you put them all!?" My husband says I should save only the ten heartiest and toss the rest before we are overtaken. My friend seems to think I'll be feeding the entire neighborhood before summers end. I think everyone is full of shit, because I HAVE NEVER SEEN A TOMATO PLANT GROW THAT BIG. A few feet, perhaps. But six, I am highly dubious.

I HAVE taken a bit of measure on the off chance that I'm wrong and spaced the suckers several feet apart. But then it just looked like I was wasting precious garden space. So I placed some baby basil plants I'd been working on sporadically throughout the tomatoes because I've heard they grow well together.
Another problem I ran into was the fact that somewhere around oh, say number 28 I forgot to label. So now I really have no clue what I'm planting. This might prove to be my greatest folly as I have started everything from Better boy (huge) to cherries (small). I could be staring down the barrel of the most misguided tomato garden ever.
I will continue updating on my tomato happenings, however. Because secretly I really am hoping I get to feed the entire neighborhood.

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