Friday, April 13, 2012

The Art of Racing in the Rain (while in LA)

Now, I am by no means an experienced gardener. But I'm going to operate under the assumption that the fact that my plants are currently sitting under a half a foot of water is a not a good thing.
Here in Southern California we don't get much weather, and we like it that way. However, to my dismay, this week, for some ungodly reason, it has done nothing but weather. It's weathering all over the damn place. The east, the west, hell it's weathering right now in my back yard! And I haven't the foggiest idea of what to do about it.
In a fit of madness I ran home this morning and went all Noah's ark trying to save at least two of everything. Of course, that just accounts for the potted stuff. Who knows how the plants I've already put in the ground will fair. I have half a mind to head out there and start bailing water, however the sad truth is that Angelinos tend to dissolve in weather and I don't want to take the risk of dying over a red sunflower seedling. Additionally, I lack the proper footwear for weather. I don't want to take any guff about this little factoid, you'd be hard pressed to meet an Angelino who owned a completely enclosed pair of shoes.
For now I will stay dry and hope that this weather stuff lets up in a bit, and my precious plants are better for it. Although that may be wishful thinking at this point. There is a silver lining, in that I may end up getting to go back to the damn nursery for more plants after this event has passed.

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